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Home Birth Availability
Serving Ocala, FL and surrounding areas.
We limit the number of clients in our care to allow us more time and energy to put into each client, our practice, and the families we serve. Here is our availability for the following "due date" months. Please call for the most up to date information regarding availability.
February- 0
April- 0
June- 1
July- 3
August- 3
October- 4
We offer personalized prenatal care on a routine schedule, seeing you more frequently toward the end of your pregnancy. All of our visits last between 30 minutes to an hour and take place in our office, aside from a home visit at 36 weeks. During prenatal visits we monitor your baby by listening to baby's heartbeat, measuring your belly, and feeling the position that baby is in at that time. We offer genetic screening that can be done as early as 10 weeks. We offer non-diagnostic ultrasounds for no charge when desired. We keep a close eye on our clients throughout their pregnancy by monitoring their vital signs at each visit and following the routine lab schedule throughout their pregnancy. We counsel on nutrition, hydration, exercise, and common discomforts throughout your care. To prepare you for your home birth, we offer a childbirth education class to our clients. We do our best to rotate your visits between both of the midwives, giving you a chance to develop a trusting relationship with us both.


Once you get into your safe "window" to have your baby at home with us (37-42 weeks), we are on call for you 24/7. Once in active labor, one of our midwives will come and assess you to assure you're ready for us to come set up for your birth. Our practice utilizes the "two midwife model", meaning that we both will come when you're in active labor. On the rare chance that you go into labor at the same time as someone else or one of the midwives have a personal obligation, a birth assistant will be called to attend your birth with the available midwife.
Upon arrival to your home, we can set up our inflatable tub for those who wish to use hydrotherapy for comfort. We closely monitor both you and your baby throughout your labor and birth to assure that everyone is safe. We are there to support you and we respect your space and experience.
After the birth of your baby, we stay with you 2-4 hours while we monitor both you and your baby closely on a schedule to assure you are both stable and able to be discharged safely. Simultaneously during this time, we are also breaking down the birth pool and cleaning up any supplies used during the birth.
Around an hour after your birth, we perform the head-to-toe newborn examination at the foot of your bed. This exam includes collecting your baby's length, weight, checking for lip or tongue ties, checking their reflexes, listening to their lungs and heart and more. We always encourage any family members or little helpers to participate and be present for this exam.
Before discharging, we make sure that baby has a successful latch if breastfeeding and are there to offer support and help. We also can recommend breastfeeding counselors for additional support when needed.

After the birth of your baby, one of the midwives come back for your first postpartum visit within 48 hours. During this visit we offer the metabolic screening, collect your baby's weight, collect all vital signs on both you and your baby, and assure we have all the information needed to file your baby's birth certificate. This first visit is done at your home.
We then offer two more postpartum visits for you at our office. Your second visit will be around 2 weeks postpartum and your last visit at 6 weeks postpartum. During your last visit, we can draw any labs needed including a pap smear. We counsel on family planning and offer continued support throughout your postpartum period.
Our Home Birth Package includes all of your prenatal visits and the lab collection during the visits. The labs themselves are run through a third-party company and charge you separately. If you have insurance, then your insurance usually covers the costs of labs. Your labor and delivery are included in the Home Birth Package, along with the ability to use our birth pool. All of our support groups and childbirth education are included in this package. Your postpartum care is included for up to 6 weeks postpartum, for a total number of 3 postpartum visits.
All of these visits are done in-office aside from a visit at 36 weeks and your first postpartum visit. If you prefer the optional Home Visit Add-On to have home visits, the charge is $1 per mile/roundtrip. The distance is calculated from our office to your home.
Not included in our fee is a Home Birth Kit we will have you order as you're nearing the end of your pregnancy. In this kit are medical supplies we may need for your birth.

"They used the gentlest of voices, empowered me, gave me and my husband privacy when we needed it and were present when we needed them. They also involved my husband 100% and helped us both navigate through all the contractions."
Option 1:
We have a set price for an all-inclusive home birth package. We require an entry into care fee of $700 at your first visit, and then split the remaining balance into monthly payments to be paid off by your due date. Please call to inquire about our home birth package price.
Option 2: We are now accepting Care Credit as a form of payment.
Option 3:
We've recently partnered with United Credit as an additional resource for our clients. No outstanding credit is needed to be approved and they have a "same as cash" promotion that over 90% of people qualify for. What this means is that you have the ability to take out an interest free loan with a longer term to pay it off, making the monthly payment substantially less per month.
We are currently not in network with any insurance plans including Medicaid. We work with a biller who can assist in applying for a refund through insurance postpartum. Insurance can be used with labs and ultrasounds.
Although we are currently not accepting private insurance or Medicaid, we are able to refer you to a professional billing coordinator. The billing coordinator can file a claim to your insurance company on your behalf after your birth to try to get back the best possible reimbursement. Reimbursements depend on what your insurance policy allows so each plan and reimbursement will differ from person to person.

"They used the gentlest of voices, empowered me, gave me and my husband privacy when we needed it and were present when we needed them. They also involved my husband 100% and helped us both navigate through all the contractions."
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